Package: nhlapi

nhlapi: A Minimum-Dependency 'R' Interface to the 'NHL' API

Retrieves and processes the data exposed by the open 'NHL' API. This includes information on players, teams, games, tournaments, drafts, standings, schedules and other endpoints. A lower-level interface to access the data via URLs directly is also provided.

Authors:Jozef Hajnala [aut, cre]

nhlapi.pdf |nhlapi.html
nhlapi/json (API)

# Install 'nhlapi' in R:
install.packages('nhlapi', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:


6.00 score 29 stars 23 scripts 211 downloads 38 exports 1 dependencies

Last updated 4 years agofrom:f3b40ee93b. Checks:8 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 03 2025
R-4.5-winOKFeb 03 2025
R-4.5-macOKFeb 03 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKFeb 03 2025
R-4.4-winOKFeb 03 2025
R-4.4-macOKFeb 03 2025
R-4.3-winOKFeb 03 2025
R-4.3-macOKFeb 03 2025



Low Level NHL API

Rendered fromlow_level_api.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 03 2025.

Last update: 2020-02-21
Started: 2020-01-29

Retrieving player data from the NHL API

Rendered fromnhl_players_api.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 03 2025.

Last update: 2020-04-29
Started: 2020-02-03

Retrieving team data from the NHL API

Rendered fromnhl_teams_api.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 03 2025.

Last update: 2020-04-29
Started: 2020-02-08

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Create a log messagemake_log
Retrieve metadata on NHL awards from the APInhl_awards
Retrieve metadata on NHL conferences from the APInhl_conferences
Retrieve metadata on NHL divisions from the APInhl_divisions
Retrieve metadata on NHL draft prospects from the APInhl_draft_prospects
Retrieve metadata on NHL drafts from the APInhl_drafts
Get URL using 'fromJSON'nhl_from_json
Retrieve metadata on NHL games from the APInhl_games nhl_games_boxscore nhl_games_content nhl_games_feed nhl_games_linescore
Get data from the API for one or more URLsnhl_get_data
Get data from the API for 1 URLnhl_get_data_worker
Make a vector of seasons consumable by the APInhl_make_seasons
Get event types metadatanhl_md_event_types
Get game status metadatanhl_md_game_statuses
Get game type metadatanhl_md_game_types
Get play types metadatanhl_md_play_types
Get standings types metadatanhl_md_standings_types
Get stat types metadatanhl_md_stat_types
Get tournament types metadatanhl_md_tournament_types
Retrieve metadata for players based on names or idsnhl_players
Retrieve all seasons statistics for playersnhl_players_allseasons
Retrieve selected seasons statistics for playersnhl_players_seasons
Plot an NHL rinknhl_plot_rink
Retrieve metadata on NHL schedule from the APInhl_schedule nhl_schedule_date_range nhl_schedule_seasons nhl_schedule_today
Retrieve metadata on NHL seasons from the APInhl_seasons
Retrieve metadata on NHL standings from the APInhl_standings
Retrieve metadata on NHL teams from the APInhl_teams
Get rosters for teamsnhl_teams_rosters
Get details for the teams' upcoming gamenhl_teams_shedule_next
Get details for the teams' previous gamenhl_teams_shedule_previous
Get team statistics per seasonsnhl_teams_stats
Retrieve data on tournaments from the APInhl_tournaments nhl_tournaments_olympics nhl_tournaments_playoffs nhl_tournaments_worldcups
Create an NHL API URLnhl_url
Add parameters to URLsnhl_url_add_params
Add suffixes to URLsnhl_url_add_suffixes
Create an NHL API URL for awardsnhl_url_awards
Create an NHL API URL for conferencesnhl_url_conferences
Create an NHL API URL for divisionsnhl_url_divisions
Create an NHL API URL for draft prospectsnhl_url_draft_prospects
Create an NHL API URL for draftsnhl_url_drafts
Create an NHL API URL for gamesnhl_url_games
Create an NHL API URL for playersnhl_url_players
Create an NHL API URL for all players' seasons statisticsnhl_url_players_allseasons
Create an NHL API URL for players' seasons statisticsnhl_url_players_seasons
Create an NHL API stats URL for playersnhl_url_players_stats
Create an NHL API URL for schedulesnhl_url_schedule
Create an NHL API URL for seasonsnhl_url_seasons
Create an NHL API URL for standingsnhl_url_standings
Create an NHL API URL for teamsnhl_url_teams
Create an NHL API URL for tournamentsnhl_url_tournaments
Create an NHL API URL for venuesnhl_url_venues
Retrieve metadata on NHL venues from the APInhl_venues
Add attributes as data frame columnsutil_attributes_to_cols
Convert '"mm:ss"' character to numeric minutesutil_convert_minsonice
Generate the 'sysdata.rda' fileutil_generate_sysdata
Inherit attributes from another objectutil_inherit_attributes
Retrieve a player id from the nameutil_map_player_id
Retrieve a player ids from their namesutil_map_player_ids
Get MD5 hash for a character vectorutil_md5sum_str
Prepare player ids based on player namesutil_prepare_player_ids
Move copyright information to attributeutil_process_copyright
Convert time columns from '"mm:ss"' to numeric minutesutil_process_minsonice
Safely 'rbind' multiple data.framesutil_rbindlist
Report errors encountered during 'nhl_get_data'util_report_get_data_errors